Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Last but not least, the present.  Here I am, back in NYC after a year and 8 months of living, learning and working abroad in the Southern Hemisphere.  In 3 months I learned Spanish fluently.  In 6 months I was teaching English to business men and women and within a year I was working in a Boutique hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina interacting with travelers from all over the world.  Problem solving in another language became second nature, and believe me, there are a plenty of problems that arise in hotel, let alone in a developing country.  

During my work as a hotel manager of Casa Monserrat, I met a traveler from South Africa who asked me to come work for his guest house on a vineyard in Capetown.  After much research and negotiations, I was off to a continent, I have never been to but always dreamed to go. 

Thrown into a new culture, foreign language and living/working with complete strangers I eventually found my comfort and place on the vineyard.  A surprise job was given to me when they explained that a reality TV show was going to be filmed on the farm during my stay there.  Not only did I see to over 40 people by accomodating them comfortably on Montpellier Vineyard, after watching how I worked with the hotel, I was offered a job to work as a Production Assistant for Revlon Super Model Reality TV Show.  Pre, during and post production.   When the show was over, my time on the farm was up so here I am, back in the present, in NYC.

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